Sunday, August 16, 2015

Health Professionals warns on the use of Supplements as Food Replacement

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has acknowledged the importance of dietary supplements in helping people nowadays on balancing their diet. A well-planned nutrition and hydration plan positively influences healthy living. With physical training, conditioning, mental preparation and regular sleeping habits, individuals can achieve proper wellness and a fit body each one of us look after.

For some health practitioners however, dietary supplements should be dismissed from the market. However, little of them would dare cry out their concern against the dependence of many individuals, in most times athletes, to dietary supplements which leads to the abnormal process of body system. A health practitioner can lose his credibility if he starts talking against the use of dietary supplements as these drugs, medications or herbs are already a trend in society.

Advocates of the real effects of alternative, complementary and integrative medicines, The Peterson Group, has interviewed few of health professionals and had asked their opinions on health supplements’ negative effects to athletes and individuals. Most of them stated that discussing and educating the coaches and athletic trainers can be tough. Many of them do not understand that they can obtain the performance enhancement that they need from choosing the right food and nutrients.

Review shows 41% of athletes take supplements in order to gain the nutrients that they have missed out from the food that they intake. In the same review, 3% of these athletes take merely supplements and do not eat at all to gain the physique and weight they desire. This, in every sense may be very dangerous in one person’s health.

In a study conducted in Jakarta, Indonesia where most athletes and many individuals take health supplements, most of the intake medicines and herbs in whatever form have been found to contain some dangerous chemicals as well. This phenomenon occurred after a complaint was filed to an alternative product which allegedly bears some side effects.

In this ever-changing world of functional/fortified foods and nutraceuticals, differentiation of products by reliance on the label heading of either “Nutrition Facts” or “Supplement Facts” does not always assure that a product does or does not contain a dietary supplement ingredient. However, products with a “Supplement Facts” label must also include a disclaimer: “This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.”

Despite its support to alternative and supplementary medicines, FDA still spreads warning that many of those medicines which circulates may not have passed certain tests and may cause a different or adverse effect.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Homeopathic Treatment for Genital Herpes

Having any kind of reproductive disease can be embarrassing to anyone. Without any help, it can be dangerous and risky and most of the times, infectious.

Society of today is aware of emerging genital viruses and its classifications. Symptoms are easily known and recognized thanks to former reviews on past experiences.

There is the existence of Chlamydia which can cause pelvic inflammatory disease; Gonorrhea, which causes painful liquid discharge; HIV/AIDS which is by far the most popular among the list; Syphilis which is sexually transmitted disease often happening to people with chancres or sores and many others.

One infection which has claimed its fame among these diseases is Genital Herpes. Individuals suffering this disease are experiencing eruptions of itching, burning sensation and pain in the genital area. Fortunately, like many other diseases in these present times, many resources claim treatments for this specific reproductive infection.

According to The Peterson Group, one of the leading sources for trustworthy facts and timely health news and information regarding alternative, integrative and complementary medicines, Genital Herpes has found its cure with homeopathy, a treatment which is not based in any scientific methods. Instead, this treatment is known to believe that a certain illness, disease or infection can heal on its own with little help from natural and/or experimented formula.

The following are some of these formula needed to combat genital herpes:

1. Aconitum
- This is mostly indicated in the early stages of herpes and is applied when the patient is experiencing a fever or a burning sensation in the affected area.

2. Lachesis
- Prescribed for patients with herpes to be indicated before a menstrual period.

3. Sulphur
- The nature of natural sulphur can cure recurring herpes. Many doctors advise taking three doses of Sulphur 200. While taking this medication, it is greatly suggested to keep away from coffee, raw garlic or onion or strong perfumes. Physicians are also giving out warnings to refrain from using sulphur without the advice of a medical practitioner.

4. Apis
- A temporary treatment for scrotal edema, a sensation of burning pain that is ameliorated with cold applications. This medication can also cure the tingling sensation on an individual’s genital area.

5. Sepia
- Sepia treats genital herpes in women. Symptoms include pain, and itching of the vulva, a corrosive yellowish discharge. A good cuttlefish ink which sepia is made from can be bought in large quantities in the markets of Jakarta, Indonesia. Sepia is mostly taken for 6-12 weeks depending on the gravity of the situation.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Does Homeopathy Use Steroids

This argument has been a cause of dispute and further studies by so many researchers even until today. Is it true that homeopathy contain steroids? If so, does it mean that the conservative healing method used by many people including the British royal family be harmful?

According to World Health Organization (WHO) homeopathic system is the second largest medical system in the world which originated in Germany 200 years ago. This practice is also being used by more than 60 countries around the world. India alone records 300,000 institutionally qualified homeopathic doctors. In Asia, with the combined numbers from Jakarta, Indonesia, Seoul South Korea and Cambodia, millions of cases are said to be healed by homeopathy annually.

Homeopathy is said to effective for any acute and chronic diseases and in many cases, it can treat diseases fast and clean. A statement which intrigues many is a claim which says that when a disease is healed fast through homeopathic treatment, the medicine used may have steroids in it. We do not know when and where this issue started but a lot of reviews have already been released about it.

According to studies conducted by the Peterson Group, a non-profit online community keeping track of the real effect of alternative, complementary and integrative medicines, many homeopathic clinics have lost some of their clients when the issue of using steroids was released in the press and television. Warnings were greatly imposed and many clients have been alarmed.

Homeopathic Educational Services is adamant on the widespread. The company stated, “Several known ‘quack busters’ have made reference to a letter that noted that a homeopathic medicine was found to be contaminated with a steroid. However, true to the bias that they bring to their assessment of homeopathy, they always neglect to mention that this single incidence took place in Pakistan where a lot of cases has proved the security to be lax and a lot of fraudulent medicine exchange has taken place”.

To confirm these claims, a set of doctors and researchers had gathered together to test their medicines. Methods like Liberman Buchard test, thin layer chromatography method and UV absorption method were used.

Almost all steroids show UV absorption between 235 and 240 nm in dehydrated alcohol or methanol in a clear solution. A complete spectrum of this solution is taken between 400 NM and 200 NM on a suitable spectrophotometer, if any steroid is present, it will show maximum at 240 NM. This is the right method of testing to confirm the presence of steroids and no Homoeopathic medicines have shown positive reaction.