Monday, January 25, 2016

Curing Speech Deficiency through Homeopathy

Although infants are communicating long before they begin to talk, parents eagerly await their children’s first word which usually happens around the child’s first birthday. However, for some parents, that milestone would pass longer until they would realize that it may not be possible. Relatives and other family members may console the parents and assure them that the child is simply a “late-bloomer” or that “boys talk later than girls.” In some cases though, there may be an underlying factor or root issue that delays the child’s capacity to talk.

Around this time, it is a natural reaction for parents to seek immediate assistance or speech therapist. The Peterson Group, with its group of medical experts on alternative, complementary and integrative medicines, advises the use of homeopathic treatment.

The list for the possible reasons of speech delay is long. It may be caused by long--autism spectrum disorder or another developmental disability; auditory sensitivities; auditory processing difficulties; deafness; a history of repeated ear infections; a short frenulum (membrane attaching the tongue to the floor of mouth) that literally means tongue-ties or apraxia of speech.

According to a medical review, “Praxis” is the ability of the brain to conceive, organize, and, ultimately, carry out a sequence of motor movements. A child with apraxia of speech has difficulty sequencing the motor movements needed for volitional speech.

A young boy in Jakarta, Indonesia was already 6 years old when he learned his first word. The parents claim that homeopathy has helped their child on the speech delay hurdle. Similar accounts are being told in other parts of the world.

Sam (not his real name), a teacher in Oklahoma, stated that he also had some trouble speaking when he was young. He explained how hard it was for children like him to understand what is being said and how frustrating it is to not be able to answer it. He has a lot of complaints against the bullies in his school but can’t vent it out.

His parents were able to resolve his ailment when he frequently took prescribed clonidine (Catapres®) and guanfacine (Tenex®), or anti-psychotics such as haloperidol (Haldol®) to help develop his speech.

Children with verbal apraxia may have difficulty imitating sounds, answering questions, or producing words on demand. They may have trouble getting the words out in the desired order or may be inconsistent with pronunciation.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Is it Possible to Overdose on Homeopathy?

Since homeopathy is still under heat because of the present issue presided by the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) on the review of their regulations followed by the criticisms and alleged fraud practice claims of Wikipedia founder, Jimmy Wales and the revision of homeopathic rules by England, a single outbreak of news against the 200-year old medical treatment can easily be sensationalized and put into headlines. 

The probability of homeopathic overdose is once again brought to light in the most recent discussion of homeopathy and its practice. Is it possible to overdose on homeopathy?

In 2004, the Belgian skeptical organization SKEPP made headlines when thirty skeptics at Ghent University performed a "mass suicide stunt" with an overdose of homeopathically diluted snake poison, belladonna and arsenic, in an attempt to publicly show that homeopathy does not work. This was followed by similar campaigns across the globe in the preceding years: one amidst the protest in UK on January 30, 2010 and at the Berkeley SkeptiCal conference in 2012. Now that we are in the midst of heated issues, cynics would want to witness once again the real score in possibility of homeopathic overdose or if it really is a fraud.

Homeopath members of The Peterson Group, one of the leading sources of information on alternative, complementary and integrative medicines, argues that if the critics have proven that nothing happens to those that committed the “mass suicide stunt”, doesn’t it mean that homeopathic treatments are as safe as it claim to be? If so, the warning which FDA and WHO has given to the public remains biased and without basis. If those who tested it among themselves are still alive and kicking, what then of the people who were declared dead because of homeopathic medicine intake?

A general physician called Dr. Soy residing in Jakarta, Indonesia concluded that perhaps those with real ailments who took homeopathy as treatment were not able to avail of the real medicine with active ingredients. This act has prevented them to seek appropriate medical aid and thus had them pass away without being properly treated.

It is worse since many supporters now believe that homeopathy can cure even cancer. With their hopes high, they reject chemotherapy and other cancer treatments developed under scientifically based experimentations. 

According to critics, homeopathy does not work beyond placebo; it is a menace to public health and a drain on the limited resource of the government. It is an 18th century quack medicine consisting of magical rituals practiced by deluded, cargo-cult "doctors" that has no place in government thinking, and it should not be endorsed by the registered pharmacists who are at the frontline of public health. 

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Anti-Bacterial Resistance and Homeopathy’s Potential
The review team believes its analysis represents a significant underestimate of the potential impact of failing to tackle drug resistance, as it did not include the effects on healthcare of a world in which antibiotics no longer worked.
Bacteria are present in any infection. Anti-bacterial treatment is immediately prescribed to any wounds and injuries. However, with the constant change in the environment, bacteria have grown resistant to treatments and medicines.

In this worsening crisis, experts have immediately conducted peer review and study on the repressing demand of anti-bacterial treatment to regain the overall credibility of medicine.

While the right medicine is being concocted, World Health Organization (WHO) leaves warning to different government agencies for public awareness and safety.  International organizations have also been informed. Non-profit health advocates have been asked to focus their topics to educating the public of the possible dangers of anti-bacterial resistance.

The Peterson Group, one of the leading sources of information on alternative, complementary and integrative medicines is one of the thousand NGOs to answer to this call. An immediate meeting among members was conducted in Jakarta, Indonesia for the possible solutions that can be of assistance to any study being done to solve this medical issue.

Homeopathic treatments are brought to light. As the most likely candidate as an alternative, homeopathy has treated infections which even anti-microbial treatments fail to cure. It has also been long known that anti-bacterial treatments are of no us for viral infection in the light ear, throat and sinus infection. Homeopathy is long being used to treat these infections.

Irish Society of Homeopath claims that “out of 500 patients suffering from upper respiratory complaints, 82 % receiving homeopathy improved within 14 days, compared to 67 % treated conventionally. In another study with 169 children, those receiving homeopathic treatment had significantly less symptoms and shorter duration of disease compared to other children. Their parents also had less time away from work”.

The criticality of the anti-bacterial resistance is even emphasized on the recent report released by WHO showing 25,000 deaths in the European Union, Norway and Iceland annually from common resistant bacterial infections. It is also said that “The estimated total cost to society of antibiotic resistance in the EU alone is estimated to be € 1.5 billion”.

For some critics though, using homeopathy as alternative for anti-bacterial medicine is close to finding desperate measures just to solve the present issue. With the recent FDA review of the regulations implemented in homeopathic practice, many cynics believe it is not even safe to come close to homeopathy, much more to use it as alternative.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Homeopathy All Over the World 2016

It has been a busy year for homeopathy, a branch of medicine considered to be included in alternative, complementary and integrative medicine. This treatment, which has been gathering a lot of followers for the more than 2 centuries of service, had been founded by a German physicist, Samuel Hahnemann, and is believed to be more effective than the conventional medicine.

To recap, last April 20-21, 2015, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has opted to review basic regulations of homeopathy under influence the American Medical Association. Early next year, homeopathic treatments will have to undergo strict testing and experimentation to guarantee inexistence of fraud ingredients.

After an immediate caucus and the jury have decided, homeopathy practice was then bombarded with complaints and allegations. Negative reviews and researches include the question of dilution of its treatment, deception accounts by former users and unsigned petition against the harshness of words written by Wikipedia to open conflict against Wikipedia owner, Jimmy Wales to war of homeopathic websites The Peterson Group and Homeopathic Life, were the highlight of this year’s homeopathic activities, not to mention the loss of patrons. 

However, these events seem to only have happened in the United States. Critics have mentioned that those who claim the death of homeopathy are only looking at one small part of the picture. If death occurs in homeopathy in the United States, it can still survive with the remaining 75% of partisans from other parts of the world.


This is the continent from where it all began. Europe was the first to adapt the first of the homeopathic treatments. However, in the next years, there were changes in this adaptation

a. Germany

Germany is the only member state of the European Union in which homeopathic remedies based on minerals or plants, and produced only in very low quantities, do not need to be registered. In other member states only remedies individually prepared in a pharmacy are exempt

b. United Kingdom

UK has homeopathy since 1820. The royal family has also expressed great support for the practice and has their own homeopathic doctor

c. France

Homeopathy is the most famous form of treatment in France. 


Alongside other medical treatment, homeopathy is also adapted

1. Indonesia

Homeopathy clinics stand side by side hospitals and conventional healthcare in Jakarta and have some scattered branches in other major islands

2. Japan

A medical homeopathy association, the Japanese Society for Homeopathy, was created in the middle of the 90’s and currently includes 70 doctors.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Liver Homeopathic Solutions

Liver is an important part of the human body. It is actually the part responsible for the synthesis of fuel components for the use of the other organs. Its function includes control carbohydrates, lipids or fatty acid metabolism and bile secretions. Health experts warn that damages done in the liver can easily affect the rest of the body leading to a more serious problem.

Liver problems occur once the body irregularly dysfunctions. Common complaints include pain on the right side. For instance, wrong dietary intake over a prolonged period puts inordinate strain on liver function. The liver also regulates fatty acid synthesis, and contributes to steroid production. Alcoholic cirrhosis and drug-induced damage are not uncommon ailments nowadays. Trauma causing rupture/hematoma can be helped with Arnica in conjunction with orthodox treatment.

Of course, certain allopathic treatments are available for liver ailments especially on disorders involving “indigestion” ­stomach “wind”, pain/discomfort under the right ribs and inability to digest fatty foods, loose stools and pale stools. I have had so many cases of IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) that have cleared up finally when the treatment was directed at the liver and not just the bowel.

According to one survivor of liver cirrhosis, “homeopathy helped me a lot in recovering. It is not hard to find homeopathic doctor in Jakarta, Indonesia and we immediately went to one when our clinical doctor was not able to treat my ailment”.

Orthodox medicine is very useful in giving an assessment of more advanced disease. Even here homeopathic prescribing can achieve stunning, unexpected results.

According to the Peterson Group, non-profit organization which is also a source of information on alternative, complementary and integrative medicines, the following are some of the most common homeopathic remedies for liver issues:

1. For Indigestion on the right side
• Chelidonium 6c – one three times a day for up to three weeks. Stop treatment if bowels loosen. Stools should be dark and pass easily – pale stools show bile obstruction.

• Lycopodium 30c -being a right-sided remedy is almost specific for liver and kidney clearance. There is sometimes a raised diastolic (lower level) blood pressure and patients are chilly, tired, windy, constipated and bloated after meals. They often keep going for a long time and become chronic sufferers before doing anything about themselves.

2. For Pain and Discomfort
• Nux Vomica - urge to move bowels to ease the pain.
• Sepia – the patient may be grey and worn out and emotionally drained