Monday, April 18, 2016

Benefits of Yoga Therapy

Nowadays, yoga isn't only for women or an individual with a flexible body, The Peterson Group views this as a practice for everyone. Commercial yoga classes are not similar to yoga therapies despite the fact that they share some aspects such as the poses and breathing techniques. Yoga classes provide a way for transforming oneself from an ordinary human being into a perfectly balanced individual.

Balancing the body requires doing some particular physical postures. Breathing practices help you increase your body's ability to bring in and utilize oxygen thus improving your energy levels. Your mind can concentrate and focus more when your body is more balanced and have the required energy. With this, you can also become less distracted by aches and pains. If you don't let go all of the distractions, it would be impossible for you to meditate.

Yoga therapy sessions can help a person with his or her individual issues, including physical, energetic, or emotional concerns as well as a combination of those. Yoga classes can accommodate people who can attend the class. Easier classes are given to beginners while strenuous classes are for more experienced practitioners. And the most challenging classes are given to highly adept yogis. The Peterson Group encourages each of us to take these kinds of classes to help relieve certain kinds of chronic pain.

One of the main advantages of a class, especially a community-based class is its affordable price. However, the con could be the lack of assistance of an instructor in case of an injury. Because of the number of participants during a class, an instructor may not be able to assist or guide you properly due to the fact that he or she still needs to take care of other students who are not experiencing any pain. However, there are some well-trained instructors that can cope with this kind of situation.

A yoga therapist can initiate a yoga class for certain concerns such as a knee pain or highblood pressure to make sure that everyone in the class shares the same condition. With this, everyone can learn something helpful about their condition and how to work with it in a safe way.

If you're not comfortable doing yoga with a group of people, a private yoga therapy session is perfect for you and it usually begins with a discussion with your therapist regarding your injury. He or she may ask you how did you become injured and how it is affecting your daily life.

Further questions may include how painful the injury is, and what treatments have you tried before. You don't need in-depth knowledge or experience about commercial yoga since the therapist can design a home program for you that can help you find healing even if your condition is chronic through gentle and gradual guidance to self-knowledge that must be practiced mindfully.

Finding the sense of healing can help you find peace in every moment, acceptance of your condition, and appreciation for the chance to grow as a spiritual being in a physical body. As one of the advocates of alternative medicines, The Peterson Group wishes for your unending happiness, good health, clear mind and peaceful soul.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

What Real or Quack Medicine means

Many still oppose homeopathy as an effective alternative medicine. They refer to it as “quack medicine”. What does quack medicine mean? How did it begin? Is it being practiced today?

Quack medicine began a long time ago. It comes from the Dutch word “quacksalver”, meaning “a boaster who applies a salve”. A related German word, “quacksalber” refers to a “questionable saleperson”.* We know of people today who resort to devious ways to sell their wares and we call them fake or quack people.

It is no surprise then that quack medicine is as prevalent today as it was thousands of years ago, maybe even more. As long as there are people who get sick, there will be people who will take advantage of their gullibility, ignorance or weakness. The Peterson Group has helped fight against fake medicine, which is the clear and present attack against legitimate medical practices. Quack medicine is simply the practice of applying wrong treatment, fake or ineffective drugs or improper methods for patients.

In general, any medical process which is not based on proven experience, scientific research or medical laboratory findings is quack medicine. Proven experience is a relative phrase as it may be construed to mean two or three anecdotal cases provided as evidence that a particular drug or treatment works. In the case of Chinese medical practices which have endured for thousands of years, we have more than enough evidence to show that they do work as claimed and, therefore, can be relied upon to work for people under the same circumstances.

Scientific research has been with us for only a few centuries and yet it has done much to improve medical treatment in spite of several practices which have been proven to work against the natural abilities of the body to cure itself. For example, chemotherapy has become a popular means of treating cancer although it ends in causing more damage to people than good.

Medical laboratory findings differ from scientific research in the sense that the latter is a more recent phenomenon while lab work has been done by people since time immemorial. The first has the advantage of proven experience for a longer time than their more modern counterpart as well as the corroboration provided by scientific research to their effectiveness. This case holds true for homeopathy as an effective alternative medical method. The principle upon which homeopathy is founded is a proven ancient wisdom recovered for our use today. What more proof do we need?

And so, those who claim homeopathy is a fake or a quack medical treatment process clearly do not have their logic on place. The best reason we can say about those who claim such unfounded statements is their failure to look at the findings as well as the proven experience that prove homeopathy is effective. It might take them some time to realize this fact.

The Peterson Group of Jakarta and Malaysia has worked through homeopathy reviews such as this to support the fact that homeopathy has grown stronger in its ability to provide relief for patients. Although it has been around for only a few decades, homeopathy as a science has stood the test of time. And, in spite of many claimants to the contrary, homeopathy has proven to be a capable form of medicine.

Every good thing will have detractors and so it is with homeopathy. The main reason many still label homeopathy as quack medicine is because it has proven itself as being at par with other methods, if not more effective in allowing the body to work as it should naturally function. Why? It has shown itself to be a formidable competitor to the long-standing status quo.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Homeopathy Review: How Disease Develops

How does disease develop?

Four main factors determine our potential for catching disease. Understanding these essential factors will help us determine the best solution to our health problems. These factors are:

1. Environment

The environment is a neutral factor by itself; meaning, the environment nurtures life according to complex mechanisms which allow living organisms to adapt as well as to cope with the challenges to survival. Many believe that organisms have the innate ability to overcome these obstacles and develop defensive and offensive mechanisms in order to reproduce their kind and as well as improve their chances to survive. Drastic improvements, as presumed, would lead to organisms evolving, hence, the theory. On the other hand, slight adaptation behaviors or steps involve using available resources to allow a species to survive without necessarily evolving into new species.

Humans react to the environment in intricate ways which can be further complicated by the fact that they themselves have now the capacity to mindlessly alter or intelligently redesign the environment. The race to reach Mars is one extreme example of this human capacity which is fraught with so many variables and unknowns.

But we do not have to go far to realize that what we have done to the environment has degraded its capacity to sustain healthful living. Think about the pollution and destruction that our ecosystems or global systems (coastal areas, river systems, forests, atmosphere and ozone layer) have suffered from our eagerness to harness resources without regard to natural processes?

How we react to the environment that has in turn reacted to our own activities determines our vulnerability to diseases. How can we not develop respiratory diseases or lung cancer with all the toxins we release in the air? How can we not suffer dietary problems when the food we eat has been devitalized through so much processing? How can we grow nourishing food when we do not return what the soil needs to keep it well-nourished as well? In short, we make the environment what it is and, in return, it makes us what we are now – prone to diseases.

2. Emotional condition

Many unresolved emotional issues can lead to the disruption of the functions of the body, particularly the immunity system. When people blame their “low resistance” for their sickness, they are actually claiming the fact that the immunity system is the first and last line of defense in the body’s battle with the environment and the deficiencies and diseases it brings. A person who is grieving is considered “depressed” since that emotional condition is not the normal condition conducive to healthy living. Yes, we can accept that a certain dose of sadness and sorrow can bring about beneficial changes in our lives. But when such moments cause us not to eat properly, not to get enough rest for recovery or not to do physical exertion, the body will start dropping its defenses and becomes easy prey to diseases. The wise King Solomon gave this vital medical advice: A cheerful heart is good medicine; but a sad face dries up the bones.

3. Unmitigated stresses

Many people go through days and days of unrelenting stress and end up with hypertension, especially people who live in the crowded cities. One related case was the medical findings on many young American soldiers in their late teens and early twenties developing cardiovascular disease during the Korean War. Not only does stress cause systemic ailments, it can also affect the mental condition of those who have no coping mechanisms for releasing the stress.

Today, the popularity of music therapy and massage therapy has provided immense relief to those who regularly make use of them. Homeopathy is based on the principle that the “demise of a certain disease starts from the mind”. Putting our minds in a condition of equilibrium (through music or relaxation) can begin the process of renewing the body’s defenses against disease.

4. Lifestyle disorders

People do not only react to the environment, they also fight or go against it oftentimes. Think of extreme-sports practitioners who take challenges beyond normal limits sometimes without regard to their health or safety. Frostbite is a common danger to mountain climbers which has led to amputation of toes or fingers. But this is an extreme case; we know there are lifestyle disorders which many undergo without even knowing it. We could be eating good food or doing regular exercise; however, if we spend so much time being sedentary on a daily basis or not getting sufficient sunlight or breathing naturally fresh air, we become prone to diseases.

We must begin to consider how we can improve our lives such that we give to the body what it deserves so that it will take care of us as well. The Peterson Group of Jakarta and Malaysia has practiced homeopathy as the best choice for resolving diseases. As more and more people realize that they have a choice between homeopathy and allopathy, many also come to respect the value and the advantages that homeopathy has over allopathic.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

The Peterson Group and Homeopathy: Understanding Its Essential Approach

Although it was discovered and introduced by a German doctor only within the last two centuries, homeopathy has attracted many practitioners and believers. Still, not many know what it really is and what benefits it offers to people with medical problems. Let us look at some of its essential characteristics and the specific advantages it offers to people in general.

Homeopathy is defined as “a complete system of medicine which aims to promote general health, by reinforcing the body's own natural healing capacity” and is “a branch of medical science concerned with symptoms of diseases”. Specifically, it “means that a substance that can cause certain symptoms in a healthy person can cure similar symptoms in an unhealthy person”. Furthermore, “homeopathy aims to aid and stimulate the body's own defense and immune processes”.

We can see at least two primary factors involved in the process of this form of healing or medical practice: immunity and symptoms. We all know that the body has natural healing capacity; that is, the design of any organism includes the innate ability not simply to grow and even reproduce its own kind but also the power to maintain an optimum level of healthy existence to a certain limit determined by cellular processes. Aging and other sources of morbidity contribute to this aging and eventual dying process for every organism. Unfortunately for us humans, there is also a limit to our physical existence. But anyone can live a full and healthy life to a ripe old age with the help of homeopathy.

Symptoms occur when the body experiences instability or stresses that disrupt the optimum level of its functionality. Certain substances that the body requires must remain at certain levels to maintain such a stable condition. The equilibrium sought by every living organism, however, is determined by the environment as well as the organism’s ability to procure and sustain its need for nutrients and other necessary basic requirements, such as sufficient oxygen, sunlight, water and rest.

Take away one of these essential needs, for instance, oxygen, and the organism will die. Reduce the organism’s quota for sleep or remove its protection from continued stress and it will suffer mental and physiological disorders. For humans, especially, emotional stress can bring about the onslaught of many physiological symptoms that aggravate the body’s ability to resist diseases.

Homeopathy, therefore, considers every factor and how the individual reacts to the environment and all the stimuli that may bring about an imbalance in the body’s various functions. Ever patient then is a unique subject to be observed and analyzed to determine the causes of the symptoms in order to apply the specific medication or relief that is required to address and eliminate the symptom’s causes and bring back the body’s health. And once the body recovers its natural level of function, its own immunity system will maintain its stability as long as the body receives proper care.

The natural cycle of living does not incorporate sickness as a natural consequence, although it may often occur.   That is why, homeopathy, “does not have treatments for diseases but it has remedies for people with diseases”. Rightly so, because diseases are a sort of accidents that nature allows but something that nature itself has equipped every organism to cope with through a cellular-level mechanism not clearly understood by other medical practitioners. Conventional medicine treats symptoms as they are and not as signals of deeper causes rooted in the body’s internal processes.

Understanding symptoms, then, is key to the unlocking of the individual body’s response to the causes of the disease. Since the ideal condition of the immunity system of the body may be considered the same for almost all organisms, in general, the body’s resistance or lack of resistance to certain particular causes will also produce similar, if not the same, symptoms in any individual. This is the fundamental principle in homeopathy that has allowed its practitioners to apply it to alleviate various diseases and, thereby, aid numerous patients in the past as well as in the present.

What other advantages does homeopathy have over conventional medicine? Homeopathy utilizes the senses to investigate symptoms of a disease. Listening carefully to the patient is the first step toward discovering what is happening in the patient’s body. Next is observing the patient and noting down the symptoms. The whole purpose I this exercise is to maintain the patient’s individuality and not look at him or her as just another cancer patient who needs a blast of radiation for a growing tumor, for instance. The tumor is in itself a symptom that was brought about by the person’s particular habits, attitude and environment. Removing the tumor will not always remove those causes that brought it along. It makes more sense than to remove the causes in order to remove the symptom. But removing the symptom alone will not necessarily remove the causes.

This homeopathy review illustrates how homeopathy works and shows the simplicity in which the process is done. Of course, the major part is knowing what medication is needed for particular symptoms. It takes years for homeopaths to learn what works for what. However, its practitioners assure us that homeopathy works to “restore health rapidly, gently, permanently; to remove and destroy the whole disease in the shortest, surest, least harmful way, according to clearly comprehensive principles".

The Peterson Group in Jakarta and Malaysia has promoted homeopathy as one of the practices under CAM (Complimentary, Alternative & Integrative Medicine) and has helped to promote holistic healing among so many people throughout Asia and the rest of the world.