Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Homeopathic Height Increase Medicine: Being Tall A Boon or Bane?

South East Asians are known for a rather small height and we are oftentimes being criticized because of this. In response, we result to some conventional methods such as taking height increase medicines. These medicines are now considered a trend that a lot of it is being sold in streets. You can find a lot of these in packages around the streets of the suburban parts of Jakarta, Indonesia, Taipei, Taiwan and Tokyo, Japan. The experts fear that the usage of these fraud medicines can cause severe effects to an individual’s health.

In reviews conducted by The Peterson Group, one of the leading sources for trustworthy facts and timely health news and information regarding alternative, integrative and complementary medicines, conventional allopathic treatment, that most of us resort to, does not offer any medicine or specific treatment that can contribute in the growth of height. The anabolic steroids that are mostly suggested by the doctors for growing taller are not always effective and the side effects are too severe. This is where homeopathic medicines can make a lot of difference.

Although being short in height is not a disease or a shortcoming, having an average height does contribute to a striking personality. Moreover, a person can fulfill many activities with less effort if they have a good height. Lack of such abilities can make short-heighted persons feel alienated and depressed and it has been observed that many also lack confidence due to being short.

It’s necessary to now that why our body growth stops. The growth is not only dependent on genetic but hormones equally plays important role in body's growth. Cartilage is the joint which is present in between the hormones bones. Now it is proved that cartilage plays an important role in the growth of the body. Cartilage is like sponge or cushion present between the joints of the bones. Cartilage can be kept fit & fine by supplying good required amount of energetic food to the hormones because the development of the cartilage is the reflection of the growth of height.

Homeopathic medicines for height increase readily harmonize with the body’s immune system due to which they start creating immediate effect unlike other regular medicines that only suppress the body’s immune system.

Homeopathic medicines are natural and do not cause any side effects. Moreover, they can be taken for long duration without any fear of addiction. Most of the medicines are derived from natural components and hence these medicines have a holistic approach towards treatment. Therefore, you can continue taking this medicine even if you are being prescribed some other medicines in allopath, ayurveda or Unani.

So does homeopathy help one grow taller? The answer is yes, but to a certain extent. While you cannot defy genetics, you can certainly couple a good diet, exercise and homeopathic concoctions to grow a few inches taller!


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