Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Does Homeopathy Cause Death?

Homeopathy has gone through a lot of issues this year after Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has decided to review the regulations being implemented in this practice in response to complaints on what seems a loose policy on the approved homeopathic treatments. From being undermined by the founder of Wikipedia, to a losing battle on petitions, to being a laughing stock of the society as mere placebo, homeopathy has been doubted in its effectiveness. 2015 holds the lowest number of patients for homeopathy ever since it has been founded 200 years ago.

While all the issues were faced with a smirk, one topic is no laughing matter to both pro- and anti-homeopathy: claims of death caused by one homeopathic treatment or another.

In the past reviews of homeopathy written previously in the Peterson Group, homeopathy claims to be safer than clinical medicines and cannot, in any means, take a life. However, this claim has been faced with arguments and complaints from families of patients who now lay at rest in coffins.

As cynics have emphasized, homeopathic medicines are placebo. The effects may be a hallucination and you may have thought that you have been cured but the treatment given is created with the real ingredients, some of which composes elements which are hazardous to human health.

In another review written by the Peterson Group entitled, ‘Challenges in Preparing Homeopathic Medicines’, it is said that preparation of each homeopathic medicine requires proper observation of its intricacies and that “…Safety issues may arise if these preparations are neglected”. This in itself is being pointed out by critics to a proof that homeopathy can indeed lead to worse cases including death.

In an unfortunate account in Jakarta, Indonesia, a mother of a ten-year old boy suffering from pneumonia was arrested after she applied homeopathic treatment to her son by herself leading to the young boy’s death. According to reports, the treatment, which contains a huge amount of sulfur – a common ingredient used in homeopathy –, has poisoned the young boy only a few minutes after taking them.

A few campaigns against the practice are now being conducted by eager advocated of allopathy. One demonstrator said, “Given there is no demonstrable medical effect from using homeopathy, I’ve argued strongly that the sale of homeopathy in pharmacies is not only misleading to consumers, it is fundamentally unethical behavior from a health professional”.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Is there any cure for Nose Bleed?

Most of us have experienced nose bleed at least once in our lifetime. It may have been caused by different factors. Kids, because of ruthlessness, are often victims of nose bleeds. Nevertheless, it is not a laughing matter. The nose is one of the vital parts of our face and is very rich with blood vessel. It is also positioned in a very vulnerable location which is prone to accidents and is considered the center of the T-Zone which, when damaged, can lead to a very serious injury.

According to reviews, nose bleed may be caused by:

• Trauma to the nose (nose picking, foreign bodies, forceful nose blowing).
• Drying of the nasal membranes which is the most common cause
• Tumors, particularly malignant tumor of the nose or sinuses.
• Cold winter months
• Too humid temperature
• Use of “blood thinning medications” called anti coagulants.
• Recurrent nosebleeds may be a symptom of an underlying disorder such as high blood pressure.
• Inflammation of the nose or sinuses and cold may cause a nose bleed.
• Deviated septum (when the partition between your nose is crooked), foreign objects in the nose, or other nasal obstruction may also cause nosebleeds.

Any person who experiences these warnings should immediately seek medical assistance. First aid procedures include tilting of the patient’s body forward with the mouth wide open so they can spit the blood instead of swallowing it.

On the other hand, for those who do not want nose bleed to recur, homeopathy has the right treatments for you. The Peterson Group, your leading source of information on alternative, complementary and integrative medicines, has the following suggestions on how to cure your nose bleed problems:

Agaricus Muscarius

Nosebleed can also happen among middle-aged to old people. Some of us are also use to blowing our nose every morning immediately after rising up or while washing up which can irritate our nose. Profuse bleeding may follow. In this case, agaricus muscarius can lessen the irritation

Aloe Soctrina

Our nose can be greatly affected on extreme cold temperatures. An intake of aloe soctrina can lessen blood loss during winter weathers

Ammonium carbonicum

Epistaxis is a common complaint in humid weather causing sinusitis and severe sneezing especially in tropical climates. In Jakarta, Indonesia and Brunei, almost 22% of the population experiences nosebleed during summer. Ammonoum Carbonicum strengthens the immune system in fighting off effects of a humid temperature.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Antagonism against Homeopathy Infuriates Supporters

For almost 200 years since its introduction, homeopathy never had any conflict with anything. The United States was first to create a rift when practitioners of conventional medicine started to complain against the unproven effectiveness of homeopathic treatment whereas allopathy, as Samuel Hahnemann has called conventional medicine, has been grounded after scientifically based experiments and testing.

Despite Hahnemann's high stature in medicine, pharmacology and chemistry, his strong critique of conventional medicine led to personal attacks against him by orthodox physicians as well as by the apothecaries (the drug makers of that time) who were philosophically and economically threatened by Hahnemann's work.

From then on, the United States have labeled homeopathy as placebo, in belief that patients claiming being cured by its treatment are merely hallucinating that they have been treated. The United States has also spread the belief in hopes that their words would be taken wholeheartedly but instead, they were only faced by hostile reproaches and infuriation. Homeopathy continues to spread slowly and progressively in many countries and cities. Before long, homeopathic and alternative clinics were constructed alongside hospitals and medical physicians started prescribing homeopathic treatments as alternative when conventional drugs do not work. This practice is trending in Jakarta, Indonesia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and Bangkok, Thailand.

However, the recent developments in finding homeopathic loopholes have further drifted the two leading medical practices apart.

The Peterson Group, one of the leading sources of information on alternative, complementary and integrative medicines states that different labels have been tagged on homeopathy. Fraud, fake, placebo and quack are among the few.

According to further reviews, Homeopathy posed a serious threat to entrenched medicine. Orthodox physicians criticized herbalists, midwives, and various other "non-regular" practitioners because they were not medically trained. Homeopaths, however, could not be discredited as being unlearned, since they were graduates from many of the same medical schools as "regular" physicians. In fact, many of the initial practitioners of homeopathy graduated from some of the most prestigious medical schools of the day.

Now that England’s National Health Security (NHS) is also starting to go against homeopathy, even to the point of banning treatments from being prescribed in general physicians’ set of medicines, it incited supporters to further complain and take a stand. Pro-homeopathic practice could not let the 200-year old medical practice which have cured ailments and diseases which are beyond the scope of allopathy be put to waste.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Science Behind Homeopathic Treatment

Since its inception 200 years ago, homeopathy has been treated as an alternative to the usual conventional medicine and science has kept a respectable distance from it since it does not seem to pose any harm. Its apparent resurgence in these times has rekindled the discussion as to whether homeopathic medications are an effective treatment against disease or whether they are no more than an elaborate placebo. The discussion as to whether or not it is an effective therapy is ongoing in human and veterinary medicine; it appears to have devolved into one between proponents of homeopathy and those who rely on firm evidence of effectiveness before adopting any therapy.

Since Food and Drug Administration has decided to conduct a two-day review of regulations on homeopathy, science has stepped forward to take the place of a jury. Experts are convinced that to be able to definitely know the effectiveness of homeopathy, it should undergo clinical trials.

Homeopathy is a $6.4 billion business in the United States alone where only 10% of its citizens are into this practice. How much more would it be in Europe where the British royal family have publicly announced its support of homeopathy and Germany have mandated all school curricula to include homeopathy in its teaching? Same question goes to Asia where homeopathy is a mainstream in India and experts are more on call in Jakarta, Indonesia and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia than physicians are.

After decades of ignoring these products, drug regulators are finally asking hard questions about what has long been derided by mainstream doctors and scientists as quack medicine. Yet, a lot of homeopathic experts still believe that the practice needs not to undergo medical testing as it already has science behind it. Complaints of fraudulence are also non-valid if people really want to find science explanation on its function.

According to the Peterson Group, one of the leading sources of information on alternative, complementary and integrative medicines, there is science in homeopathy. There is actually considerably more laboratory and clinical research on homeopathic medicine than most people realize. It is important to first note that its founder, Samuel Hahnemann was a physicist himself.

One of the most famous studies is called Arndt-Schulz law which explains that weak stimuli accelerate physiological activity, medium stimuli inhibit physiological activity, and strong stimuli halt physiological activity.  To explain for instance, it is widely recognized that normal medical doses of atropine block the parasympathetic nerves, causing mucous membranes to dry up, while exceedingly small doses of atropine cause increased secretions to mucous membranes.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Homeopathy Reduces Painkiller Sales by 50%

Painkiller is one of the most important and commonly used medicines in the world. Yet, there is still a significant increase in deaths as a result of painkillers. It may either be bad or good news to a lot of us but a review shows that most people have already found an alternative for painkillers.

A large study conducted in France in 2012 showed that patients with chronic musculoskeletal disorders had a 50% reduced usage of conventional pain medication by being under the care of a physician who specializes in prescribing homeopathic medicines.

According to the review, despite the fact that the homeopathic patients were considered ill for a longer period of time, this study showed that the patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain had a 50% reduced use of conventional pain medication, while patients with acute musculoskeletal pain had a 38% reduced use.  In addition to this significant reduction in the use of painkillers, the patients who received homeopathic treatment showed a similar clinical progression of their musculoskeletal disease as assessed by standardized functional scales.

Fortunately for homeopathic patients, this study is continuously being developed in Europe where even this health practice is embraced even by the royal family. As conventional pain relieving medicines are associated with minor and serious side effects, the homeopathic alternative is welcome news to many sufferers. It also leads to lower treatment costs.

In the United States, however, these claims lay moot to medical practitioners who consider homeopathy a fraud conducted by quack doctors. With the difference in perception, homeopathic spurt and assistance are more often doubted. The Peterson Group, a non-profit organization and one of the leading sources of information regarding alternative, complementary and integrative medicines, states that with the increasing number of claims which showed homeopathy as mere placebo, the public is reluctant in adapting to the practice. Health warnings of Food and Drug Administration (FDA) added to the consumer’s hesitation.

Asia, on the other hand, has accepted homeopathy and is applying it interchangeably with conventional medicine. The result of the study did not come as a surprise for most of the sellers of homeopathic treatments in the streets of Jakarta, Indonesia and Bangkok, Thailand. Some even wonder the need to rely to painkillers when all the resources to ease the pain are available in homeopathic clinics.

In a more detailed statistics, reports show that chronic pain reduced their need for painkillers by 50% while those in acute pain reduced their use by 38% with the use of homeopathy.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Challenges in Preparing Homeopathic Medicines

http://www.wakeupkiwi.com/images/Homeopathy.jpgWhen the German physician, Samuel Christian Friedrich Hahnemann, first introduced homeopathy to the world, it was because he was appalled by medical practice in the late 1700s when physicians believe that bleeding, vomiting and purging noxious agents from the body can heal it and bring a patient back to health. Same treatment was conducted to the late president, George Washington who died two days after he underwent medication and lost an estimated 128 ounces of blood and received a number of injections and laxatives. 
The newly created medical practice, ‘homeopathy’, would later dominate most of Europe, reaching even the British royal family. Whether or not Hahnemann predicted the fame of his discovery, homeopathy was popularized in the United States and most parts of Asia. Supporters grew as the reputation of the new treatment spread far across the globe. From homeopathic clinics scattered to as far as Jakarta, Indonesia and on-call homeopathic doctors in China, the popularity of homeopathy is indeed rising. 

Review of current standing shows homeopathy as the worst rival of conventional medicine, or allopathy as what Hahnemann calls it. Conflict between the two practices also exists – and getting worse. However, competition is not the only issue faced by homeopathy.

Proper implementation of homeopathic processes for each treatment is also an arising challenge among practitioners.

Preparation of each homeopathic medicine requires proper observation of its intricacies. The amount of starting material present in the homeopathic medicine may depend entirely on preparation. Safety issues may arise if these preparations are neglected. Homeopathic experts also cited that the complaints they are receiving from different patients may be the result of negligence.

According to a study shared to The Peterson Group by World Health Organization (WHO), there are two major groups of potential hazards: those related to the source materials, and those related to the procedures used for manufacture of the finished product.

Nature and synthetic is the source of homeopathic treatment, so there is no weight on complaints of fraudulence. However, homeopathic medicines may employ material from problematic sources, the use of which is restricted in conventional medicine: nosodes comprise dilutions of pathogenic organs or tissues; causative agents such as bacteria, fungi, ova, parasites, virus particles, and yeast; disease products; excretions or secretions. All materials of animal or human origin are at risk of containing pathogenic agents. Homeopathic medicines may be based on toxic source materials from animals or plants, while others, particularly in their fresh form are prone to degradation processes or microbiological contamination.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Constipation Blues Homeopathic Treatments

A lot of us get on our morning routine with ease, others find it difficult. Some have to go three to four times a day to completely relieve themselves. Others even sing Let It Go just to assist in letting it all out. I am sure we have all undergone those situations at least once in our lives.

Constipation is often affected by mental and physical health of an individual. Analysts blame today’s modern lifestyle for the increasing common issues of constipation. People no longer have a balanced lifestyle. We are already mentally overworked and physically underworked and are oftentimes time constraint. Moreover, we are overly exposed to processed, junk and commercialized food. Fruits and vegetables are no longer part of the modern menu. Today’s food is rich in calories but low on fiber. Coffee, smoking and liquor also add more fuel to the fire. These factors are causes of constipation. 

We all know how hard it is to have constipation blues. It can even last for days. Common complaints include the feeling of being bloated, uncomfortable and heavy. Some of us resort to taking laxatives which can be very dangerous once taken too regularly. It can be habitual. Once you have taken it, you can no longer have a normal bowel release without its assistance. 

Here, homeopathic treatments have the biggest advantage. In review of the most popular treatments for constipation, homeopathy is said to improve digestive system to regain a normal flow of bowel movement. With the growing believer of homeopathy, this treatment has evolved and reached even to the western world and are known to be the most effective.

The Peterson Group, leading source of information regarding alternative, complementary and integrative medicines, has gathered some of the most popular homeopathic treatment for constipation blues. 

1. Nux Vomica

Perhaps the leading homeopathic treatment also used to cure other ailments; Nux Vomica has been effective even on cases in which laxatives are involved. This treatment is best on symptoms involving frequent urge for stool but only able to extract small quantity at a time.

2. Bryonia

In cases, where there is constipation despite increased thirst and intake of lot of water, Bryonia is one of the best homeopathic medicines for constipation. At times, the stool looks as if burnt.

3. Opium

Opium is mostly used for instance when there is no urge for stool, causing the feces to get impacted in the bowels. However, since opium can also affect mental health, it has been banned in many countries but is known to still be distributed especially in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and the suburb regions of Jakarta, Indonesia.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Either Too Thin or Too Fat and Homeopathy for Those In Between

In this fast pacing modern world where you are compelled to follow every trend, it is alarming to see a lot of individuals, women especially, who are either too thin or overweight. People are either too obsessed to looking great or too carefree to eat anything. When diet has been introduced, some took it more seriously than others. Many of us, on the other hand, have depended entirely on junk foods and commercialized sustenance which led to many health complications. Immobility resulted from sitting for at least 8 hours in the office and total dependency to technology in doing simple tasks have added to the unhealthy and almost stagnant lifestyle of today’s citizens.

According to reviews, at least 20 million of the total population in the world is suffering from eating disorders. It is also clinically proven that those in their mid-20s to early 30s are mostly the victims of these disorders. Anorexia and Bulimia are two of the cases which are prevalent especially in leading countries. Many of the patients of either of the disorders ineffectively managed with the conventional therapies are often suffering a lifetime disability. The mortality rate is for anorexia is even higher than other psychological disorders and is the leading cause of death to young women.

According to the Peterson Group, one of the leading sources of information and reliable research regarding alternative, complementary and integrative medicines, homeopathic treatments
has proven the most effective cure for eating disorders.

Homeopathy treats the whole person, including, but not limited to, the symptoms of the eating disorder. Therefore, the remedy works to get to the core of why the compulsion is there in the first place. Whether the issue stems from an emotional, genetic or physiological trauma or imbalance, the homeopathic remedy can have a dramatically positive effect on the patient.

Some of the treatments are:

• Carcinosin

Also used as treatment for patients of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and is used to lessen the fear of being fat resulting to insomnia and rejection of any food intake. Carcinosin stabilizes the heart rate and eases anxiety.

• Sepia

Used for people who has complaints on the food’s visuals and are sensitive to smell and has hormonal imbalance. As hormones may cause the lack of appetite, sepia helps regain the food cravings.

• Pulsatilla

Also used to cure depression. Some people would turn to food as comfort whenever they are under stress. Pulsatilla eases the cravings and helps maintain proper dietary food. This can be found in the rural areas of Jakarta, Indonesia and Brunei.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Homeopathic Treatment a Boon for Children

Homeopathy has been proven to cure almost anything there is. Such methods of treatment have been recognized by even by the most renowned persona. Starting from the German nation to the introduction and support by the British Empire, homeopathy has been used for generations and has spread to millions of people around the world. Experts in this field are claiming that homeopathy is the kind of treatment that can cure diseases and ailments that can’t be reached by medicine.

Homeopathic treatment is used to treat any individual, regardless of the gender, race or age. Many claim that it is most effective and safest for children since it is mostly made from natural treatment and has lesser risk of having fraudulent ingredients.

The Peterson Group, one of the most trusted sources of information on alternative, complementary and integrative medicines, states that there are more than thousands of homeopathic treatment for various ailments and diseases in children. The most common pediatric issues which can turn into something serious are coughs, recurrent infections, dentition problems, behavioral disorders, parasites, etcetera. Homeopathy is best for children since it can treat these normal diseases without the fear of complications.

Nevertheless, complaints have been pouring in on the effectiveness of the treatment. Among them are issues pertaining to the overall performance of homeopathy. Children are said to be mostly affected:

1. Homeopathy is slow to act
In acute ailments like fever, diarrhea, or other acute infections, the treatment acts as fast as scientific-based medicines, sometimes even faster since the treatment is specifically targeting a certain ailment. It may take time for chronic ones to be healed like psoriasis, diabetes or Parkinson’s disease since it eradicates all related issues and prevents reoccurrence whereas for conventional medicines which relieves pain immediately but leave a lot of debris behind.

2. Homeopathy is Healthy
Since it uses only natural substances to treat, homeopathy is known to be safe and healthy, fit for both children and adult. It also helps people become aware of their dietary consumption. Most treatment uses herbs which cannot only heal the disease but help in the basic nutrition as well.

3. Homeopathy is always available
There may be some cases in which the ingredient for a specific disease can only be procured from certain countries or cities. However, there will always be an alternative treatment. People living in Jakarta, Indonesia, for instance, has been using chamomile which is abundant in neighboring islands than Jasmine which only grows in limited number of places to cure vertigo, dysmenorrhea and behavioral problems among children.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

The Peterson Group Review: Homeopathy and Ethnicity

Homeopathy has been famous since the British royal family has openly supported it. This branch of complementary, integrative and alternative medicine has already proven helpful in treating a lot of diseases and ailments and is already being integrated to mainstream health medication.

When it was once totally banned in medical schools and practices, the last few decades show how the medical world is already assimilating fundamentals of CAM in their curriculum. Some of the treatments are already being viewed as another set of options for the patient to take in dealing with their health problems, acknowledged by doctors and health practitioners.

Although CAM is already recognized to be practiced all over the world, reviews show a greater acceptance and usage in North America, Western Europe and Asia Pacific especially in Australia and Indonesia. The increasing number of businesses offering CAM services and therapies in Jakarta is enough to prove the enthusiasm for its use in these regions.

As per the reviews, the use of CAM has substantially increased even more in the present times with millions of people using it before going to the doctor or after mainstream medication has failed. Among the most important findings were: use of at least one alternative therapy increased from 34 to 42%; the number of office visits increased from 427 million to 629 million (a 47% increase); and total out-of-pocket expenditures in 2002 were estimated at $21.2 billion, comparable to the projected out-of-pocket expenditures for the same year on all US physician services.

Further studies show, however, that the acceptance of homeopathy and other conventional medicines is not generalized. Based on the ethnicity survey conducted by The Peterson Group to Indonesian citizens, there are more middle class citizens who choose to take CAM treatments other than proceeding to the doctor. The cost of the items for treatment and the availability of ingredients also affect the number of people patronizing the medication.

It is a different case in more developed countries. Those in the higher class and belonging to the higher status in society are more likely to use homeopathy and CAM treatments.

In a study by Chin, et al 2000, “while African Americans report less use than whites, Asian and Hispanics have been found to be less than or as equally likely as whites to use CAM therapies depending on the study considered. One limitation of existing studies that report racial/ethnic differences is that they focus on prevalence rather than on factors that might explain these differences or are limited in the correlates considered.”

Thursday, September 17, 2015

The Role of Science in CAM

Science is defined as the study of knowledge. For as long as there is something new to learn, science would intervene for the unquenchable search for new information and understanding. Same happens for the study of alternative medicines.

As a non-profit organization advocating on alternative, complementary and integrative medicines, The Peterson Group is often faced with numerous complaints regarding the lack of evidences on conventional medicines and questions on issues which we, admittedly, have not yet known ourselves. We call for more research and pragmatic trials which are rarely seen from treatments claiming benefits from mere touch. In gathering evidences from some of the most notorious places to use alternative medicines, we have learned how culture has been one of the biggest factors in it adaptation and success. Science is a mere coincidence as the treatment in acupuncture in China, herbs in South Korea, smoke treatments in Bangkok, Thailand and homeopathy in Jakarta, Indonesia continue to stay mainstream despite of its conventionalism.

Science is meant to be unbiased and risk culture and tradition in order to prove a treatment’s effectivity. Yet, in order for the components of an outcome to be fully measured, specific effects of the intervention and non-specific effects such as true placebo effects, cognitive measurement biases and other effects should be included.

Negative true placebo effects (‘frustrebo effects’) in the comparison group and cognitive measurement biases in the comparison group and the experimental group make the non-specific effect look like a benefit for the intervention group. However, the clinical importance of these effects is often dismissed or ignored without justification. The bottom line is that, for results from open pragmatic trials to be trusted, research is required to measure the clinical importance of true placebo effects, cognitive bias effects, and specific effects of treatments.

Science has greatly stated that just because alternative method is known to extract placebo effect which can treat a certain disease or ailment, it would immediately justify its processes. It does not even assure that all medicines claiming to be alternative are not fraudulent. Therapy should be measured on the treatment’s capability to alter physiological condition and not base on the less predictable placebo effect. Science has the critical role to make sure that all evidence is prevalent and not just a hinting thought.

Medical facts are determined through a process in which hundreds of medical practitioners and scientists are gathered for observation, deliberation and review. It is not, as they emphasize something which can be decided with a single cure of luck.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Asthmatic Remedies in Homoeopathy

Asthma is already a recurring ailment which has been considered as one of the most common especially to young kids. Since they are normally curable, they are oftentimes disregarded with fever or flu. But like flu and fevers which, if not cured immediately, can be acute. Asthma can also be chronic depending on the history of the patient as it can also be genetic.

In Asthma, the bronchial tubes narrow which makes it harder to breathe. Patients may have complaints of short of breathe and may also experience tightening of the chest, coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. Running, biking and any tedious activity can cause asthma attack. Dust and other small particles can also cause asthma reactions. Asthma is also often associated with allergies and other same diseases. 

Homeopathy has also proved to cure asthma or prevent it from happening. The kind of treatment depends on the status of the asthma patient. According to experts, the kind of treatment should be appropriate to on the individual’s personality. 

The Peterson Group, provider of free, unbiased health information on integrative, complementary and alternative medicines, has listed some of the most common types of homeopathic treatment for asthmatic patients.
  • Aconitum
This remedy is useful at the beginning stages of onset of asthmatic breathing. Noticeably present is anxiety, fear, and restlessness with the asthma
  • Arsenicum
Restlessness and anxiety are prominent with asthmatic children who need this remedy. As the asthma continues, they get more and more frightened and agitated. Their symptoms are worse from midnight to 2 a.m., and they will toss and turn in bed, unable to find a comfortablable position. Their breathing is best when sitting erect. Despite their restlessness, they are tired and weak. They are very chilly and better by warmth. They are noticeably thirsty but for only sips of water at a time.
  • Chamomilla
Chamomilla is one of the most famous homeopathic treatments used to calm the nerves down, enabling the breathing to be stabilized. This medicine is mostly famous in Jakarta, Indonesia which is also used for Spa purposes as well as in Bangkok, Thailand.
  • Lobelia
This remedy is known for curing asthmatic breathing concurrent with nausea and vomiting. These children usually have prickling sensations, even on the fingers and toes that precedes the asthma. The asthma is aggravated by exposure to cold. The child may feel weakness in the pit of the stomach and a sensation of a lump above the sternum (the chest bone).

The herbs used in these treatments are crushed and concocted with other natural healing medicines. Critics are also questioning the validity of these ingredients as a lot of fraudulent medicines are already circulating across the globe.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Health Professionals warns on the use of Supplements as Food Replacement

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has acknowledged the importance of dietary supplements in helping people nowadays on balancing their diet. A well-planned nutrition and hydration plan positively influences healthy living. With physical training, conditioning, mental preparation and regular sleeping habits, individuals can achieve proper wellness and a fit body each one of us look after.

For some health practitioners however, dietary supplements should be dismissed from the market. However, little of them would dare cry out their concern against the dependence of many individuals, in most times athletes, to dietary supplements which leads to the abnormal process of body system. A health practitioner can lose his credibility if he starts talking against the use of dietary supplements as these drugs, medications or herbs are already a trend in society.

Advocates of the real effects of alternative, complementary and integrative medicines, The Peterson Group, has interviewed few of health professionals and had asked their opinions on health supplements’ negative effects to athletes and individuals. Most of them stated that discussing and educating the coaches and athletic trainers can be tough. Many of them do not understand that they can obtain the performance enhancement that they need from choosing the right food and nutrients.

Review shows 41% of athletes take supplements in order to gain the nutrients that they have missed out from the food that they intake. In the same review, 3% of these athletes take merely supplements and do not eat at all to gain the physique and weight they desire. This, in every sense may be very dangerous in one person’s health.

In a study conducted in Jakarta, Indonesia where most athletes and many individuals take health supplements, most of the intake medicines and herbs in whatever form have been found to contain some dangerous chemicals as well. This phenomenon occurred after a complaint was filed to an alternative product which allegedly bears some side effects.

In this ever-changing world of functional/fortified foods and nutraceuticals, differentiation of products by reliance on the label heading of either “Nutrition Facts” or “Supplement Facts” does not always assure that a product does or does not contain a dietary supplement ingredient. However, products with a “Supplement Facts” label must also include a disclaimer: “This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.”

Despite its support to alternative and supplementary medicines, FDA still spreads warning that many of those medicines which circulates may not have passed certain tests and may cause a different or adverse effect.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Homeopathic Treatment for Genital Herpes

Having any kind of reproductive disease can be embarrassing to anyone. Without any help, it can be dangerous and risky and most of the times, infectious.

Society of today is aware of emerging genital viruses and its classifications. Symptoms are easily known and recognized thanks to former reviews on past experiences.

There is the existence of Chlamydia which can cause pelvic inflammatory disease; Gonorrhea, which causes painful liquid discharge; HIV/AIDS which is by far the most popular among the list; Syphilis which is sexually transmitted disease often happening to people with chancres or sores and many others.

One infection which has claimed its fame among these diseases is Genital Herpes. Individuals suffering this disease are experiencing eruptions of itching, burning sensation and pain in the genital area. Fortunately, like many other diseases in these present times, many resources claim treatments for this specific reproductive infection.

According to The Peterson Group, one of the leading sources for trustworthy facts and timely health news and information regarding alternative, integrative and complementary medicines, Genital Herpes has found its cure with homeopathy, a treatment which is not based in any scientific methods. Instead, this treatment is known to believe that a certain illness, disease or infection can heal on its own with little help from natural and/or experimented formula.

The following are some of these formula needed to combat genital herpes:

1. Aconitum
- This is mostly indicated in the early stages of herpes and is applied when the patient is experiencing a fever or a burning sensation in the affected area.

2. Lachesis
- Prescribed for patients with herpes to be indicated before a menstrual period.

3. Sulphur
- The nature of natural sulphur can cure recurring herpes. Many doctors advise taking three doses of Sulphur 200. While taking this medication, it is greatly suggested to keep away from coffee, raw garlic or onion or strong perfumes. Physicians are also giving out warnings to refrain from using sulphur without the advice of a medical practitioner.

4. Apis
- A temporary treatment for scrotal edema, a sensation of burning pain that is ameliorated with cold applications. This medication can also cure the tingling sensation on an individual’s genital area.

5. Sepia
- Sepia treats genital herpes in women. Symptoms include pain, and itching of the vulva, a corrosive yellowish discharge. A good cuttlefish ink which sepia is made from can be bought in large quantities in the markets of Jakarta, Indonesia. Sepia is mostly taken for 6-12 weeks depending on the gravity of the situation.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Does Homeopathy Use Steroids

This argument has been a cause of dispute and further studies by so many researchers even until today. Is it true that homeopathy contain steroids? If so, does it mean that the conservative healing method used by many people including the British royal family be harmful?

According to World Health Organization (WHO) homeopathic system is the second largest medical system in the world which originated in Germany 200 years ago. This practice is also being used by more than 60 countries around the world. India alone records 300,000 institutionally qualified homeopathic doctors. In Asia, with the combined numbers from Jakarta, Indonesia, Seoul South Korea and Cambodia, millions of cases are said to be healed by homeopathy annually.

Homeopathy is said to effective for any acute and chronic diseases and in many cases, it can treat diseases fast and clean. A statement which intrigues many is a claim which says that when a disease is healed fast through homeopathic treatment, the medicine used may have steroids in it. We do not know when and where this issue started but a lot of reviews have already been released about it.

According to studies conducted by the Peterson Group, a non-profit online community keeping track of the real effect of alternative, complementary and integrative medicines, many homeopathic clinics have lost some of their clients when the issue of using steroids was released in the press and television. Warnings were greatly imposed and many clients have been alarmed.

Homeopathic Educational Services is adamant on the widespread. The company stated, “Several known ‘quack busters’ have made reference to a letter that noted that a homeopathic medicine was found to be contaminated with a steroid. However, true to the bias that they bring to their assessment of homeopathy, they always neglect to mention that this single incidence took place in Pakistan where a lot of cases has proved the security to be lax and a lot of fraudulent medicine exchange has taken place”.

To confirm these claims, a set of doctors and researchers had gathered together to test their medicines. Methods like Liberman Buchard test, thin layer chromatography method and UV absorption method were used.

Almost all steroids show UV absorption between 235 and 240 nm in dehydrated alcohol or methanol in a clear solution. A complete spectrum of this solution is taken between 400 NM and 200 NM on a suitable spectrophotometer, if any steroid is present, it will show maximum at 240 NM. This is the right method of testing to confirm the presence of steroids and no Homoeopathic medicines have shown positive reaction.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Reiki: Quack or Not

In previous articles, we have discussed aromatherapy, yoga and other alternative and traditional medicines which claim to be good for our health and wellness even without scientific study to back them up. Still, these methods of healing and treatments have astonished even those practicing medicine that they began to integrate it on their own processes. Integrative and complementary medicines also started to emerge and patronized.

Another one that is making a name in medical practice is the Japanese method called Reiki. Rei means Universal Life while Ki would mean energy. According to researches and reviews made by The Peterson Group, this practice is not in any way affiliated with religion or religious beliefs.  This method is believed to be taken from unlimited life force supply from any living being which means that anyone can learn and do this. The only cases of fraudulent act may come from people asking for payment when doing this. It is therefore advisable to go to a legitimate practitioner.

This method is also done for free in many hospitals to help patients recuperate from an operation or illness.

It is a subtle and effective form of energy work using spiritually guided life force energy. It is believed that a person’s “ki” or energy should be strong and free flowing. When this is true a person’s body and mind is in a positive state of health. When the energy becomes weak or blocked it could lead to symptoms of physical or emotional imbalance.

A Reiki session can help ease tension and stress and can help support the body to facilitate an environment for healing on all levels – physical, mental, and emotional. A session is pleasant and relaxing and is often utilized for one’s personal wellness.

A session is usually 60 to 90 minutes long. A discussion will usually take place during an initial session with a Reiki Practitioner. They will describe the session to the client, give the client an opportunity to discuss any particular problems or issues they are experiencing and ask them what they are hoping to achieve from their session. For the actual session, the client will rest comfortably on a massage table on their back with their shoes removed. Reiki can be performed with the client sitting comfortably in a chair as well. Unlike massage therapy, no articles of clothing are removed and a client is always fully clothed; loose, comfortable clothing is suggested. A session can either be hands-on, where a Practitioner will apply a light touch during the session, or hands-off where they will hold their hands slightly above your body. If a client prefers not to be touched they can indicate this to the practitioner before they begin.

According to one practitioner in Jakarta, Indonesia states that sessions should be repeated 6-8 times to fully recover from pain or totally get rid of stress.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Introducing Antineoplastons

Antineoplastons Mechanism
The Peterson Group, a non-profit organization dedicated to identify the effects of alternative, complementary and integrative medicines to today’s health and wellness, has been featuring possible cures for cancer with proofs on its efficiency as well as its side effects. This time, we introduce another one of those treatments which are currently known to be recognized in many parts of North America and are already being further studied in other cities across the globe. Clinical labs and research facilities in Jakarta, Indonesia and Singapore are slowly opening its arms to this treatment developed in 1976 in Texas, United States: the Antineoplastons.

According to reviews, Antineoplaston therapy is an alternative therapy. Antineoplastons are chemical compounds found normally in blood and urine. They are made up of amino acids and peptides. The name is coined by Stanislaw Burzynski, MD, a Polish-trained physician who immigrated to the United States. He described the compounds as a natural form of cancer protection and began production of synthetic versions of them in his laboratory. In 1977, he opened a clinic in Houston, Texas, where he has since has been treating cancer patients with antineoplaston based therapies.

According to the clinic’s website, the treatment is a personalized cancer therapy which utilizes an understanding of each patient’s genetic make-up to unravel the biology of their cancer. Using this information, physicians attempt to identify treatment strategies that may be more effective and cause fewer side effects than would be expected with standard treatments. By performing genetic tests and analyses, these physicians customize treatment to each patient’s needs.

With its long-time operation, this kind of cancer approach has faced many criticisms. Moreover, Food and Drug Administration has already issued legal warning for the use and advertising of Antineoplaston as it is deemed to be an unapproved therapy and can be unlawful in many states. FDA has also asked Burzinsky Clinic to minimize its sale and advertising.

When it comes to the efficacy of this treatment, Burzinsky and his associates has claimed to have helped many people. However, they are not able to prove its efficacy as no one has stepped forward and claimed to have been healed. 35 years of investigation and clinical research, as it seems, may be too long to have not proven anything. American Cancer Society and Cancer Research UK among others has reached a consensus that antineoplaston therapy is unproven and the overall probability of being able to heal cancer is low due to the lack of mechanism and resources.

Investigations on the potential of this treatment are still under study despite lawsuits and many legal threats. 

Sunday, July 12, 2015

CAM for Menopause

Just as many complementary, alternative and integrative medicines are emerging nowadays, more and more people are patronizing non-scientific based treatment for any illness, disease, physical or physiological disablement. Even menopausal women are now exploring these medicines to either prevent or lessen the effects brought by this natural phenomenon.

According to The Peterson Group experts had found out that many middle aged women use black cohosh, multibotanical supplements and dietary soy has grown dramatically, perhaps in part due to fear of prescription hormones. This makes it important for doctors to be prepared to provide patients with up-to-date, evidence-based information as there are a lot of women who tend to believe claims of almost impossible effects in an almost impossible time frame. With little flowery words from fraudsters and a desperate middle-age, the deal may spread like wildfire among other women.

Patients should know that few CAM remedies for menopause-related symptoms have been scientifically evaluated and, to the extent they have been studied, robust evidence for the efficacy of many therapies is lacking. In randomized controlled clinical trials, soy foods, is flavone supplements, vitamin E, and omega-3 fatty acids have not consistently been shown to be better than placebo for treating hot flashes.

On the other hand, a growing body of evidence suggests that mind and body practices such as yoga, tai chi, qi gong, and acupuncture may benefit women during menopause.

Mind and Body Therapies for Menopausal Symptoms

A 2010 review of 21 papers assessed mind and body therapies for menopausal symptoms. The researchers found that yoga, tai chi, and meditation-based programs may be helpful in reducing common menopausal symptoms including the frequency and intensity of hot flashes, sleep and mood disturbances, stress, and muscle and joint pain.

Another 2010 review based in Jakarta, Indonesia assessed studies that examined the use of acupuncture for hot flashes related to natural or induced menopause. The studies that the researchers included in their review were limited to acupuncture studies performed using needles stimulated by hand or electrically. The researchers found that acupuncture may reduce the frequency and severity of hot flashes; they also concluded that the effect may occur regardless of where the acupuncture needle is placed on the body. However, some studies did not provide sufficient evidence to support the use of acupuncture for hot flashes due to their small size and poor quality. Further research is needed to provide more conclusive results.

The Peterson Group is also currently conducting research and studies relating to menopausal stage of women, hot flushes and how further the use of alternative medicines can ease pain or side effects related to it.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Radionics: Science or Magic

Radionics is one of those alternative medicines which, until now, has been a cause of debate among its analysts. There have been certain studies but the mystery still remains.

According to studies conducted by The Peterson Group, a world-wide non-profit organization with an aim to identify both the negative and positive effects of alternative, integrative and complementary medicines, radionics is now being acknowledged in research centers as one of the ways to treat diseases and ailments albeit the continuous search for its process.

On the other hand, studies from Jakarta, Indonesia have simple explanation for radionics’ healing effects: life force. This energy has been believed at by traditional studies but is not supported by western belief.

Based on the nature of radionics itself, it is easy to see why western science is going to dismiss its validity. First of all western science does not, as yet, recognize the existence of any form of energy known as Life-Force. The question of putting up certain rates and ratios to represent organs, structures and functions, are dismissed as fraudulent since they consider such rates as arbitrary.

With the arguments of scientific studies, one may be tempted to think that because science is not able to find out how the machinery, treatment and the process itself work, it is considered quackery and a manifestation of public deception. But what if a person says he has a brain to a kid, wouldn’t able to prove it and explain how he got the brain, should the kid also perceive him to be a fraud and without a brain?

To further explain, radionics theory has two basic principles:

1.            the concept that man and all life forms share a common ground in that they are immersed in the electro-magnetic field of the earth

2.            that each life form has its own electro-magnetic field, which is sufficiently distorted, will ultimately result in disease of the organism

The scope of Radionics itself is unlimited as no one knows the limits as no one can ever even define it. At some point, it is used to determine the structural and functional integrity of the body and identify the causes of disease hidden within.

At another level, the determination of the states of the energy centers (chakras) provides a picture of energy flows in the body and enables the practitioner to gain a deeper insight into the reasons behind certain physical and psychological imbalances. To this may be added and analysis of the qualities of energy within specific psychic structures.

It can be used to complement other forms of therapy, and its efficacy is such that it forms a complete system of healing on its own right.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Hair Loss Issues and Medications

Being vain in today’s generation is an accepted norm and with the existence of everything which helps us achieve our better self, the world is conceived to offer all the solutions for every problem.

One of the most embarrassing moments in one’s life which many people do experience but are afraid to admit is hair loss. Admit it or not, with a lot of emerging products from hair coloring to achieving the perfect curl, we knowingly damage our hair for the sake of beauty. Fortunately, we have existing solutions for this issue as well.

According to a study conducted by the Peterson Group, an online community dedicated to know the real effects of Complementary, Alternative and Integrative medicines in the new generation’s health and lifestyle, there are various choices available to prevent hair loss. Treatments can range from medications, surgery, laser therapy, wigs and hairpieces. Physicians may suggest combination of one or two method in order to get the best results.

It is important to know the cause of your hair loss to prevent any complications. If your hair loss is caused by a certain internal disease, a treatment may be needed. This will include drugs to reduce inflammation and suppress your immune system. Warning signs should be watched out for. Only your legitimate doctor can treat it properly for you.

Medications are available to treat pattern baldness. Two medications approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat hair loss are:

1.            Minoxidil (Rogaine). Minoxidil is an over-the-counter liquid or foam that you rub into your scalp twice a day to grow hair and to prevent further hair loss. It may be used by men and women. With this treatment, some people experience hair regrowth, a slower rate of hair loss or both. The effect peaks at 16 weeks and you need to keep applying the medication to retain benefits. This medication is not allowed to be imported to some countries including Singapore, Jakarta, Indonesia and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Possible side effects include scalp irritation, unwanted hair growth on the adjacent skin of the face and hands, and rapid heart rate (tachycardia).

2.            Finasteride (Propecia). This prescription drug is available only to men. It's taken daily in pill form. Many men taking finasteride experience a slowing of hair loss, and some may show some new hair growth. You need to keep taking it to retain benefits.

Rare side effects of finasteride include diminished sex drive and sexual function and an increased risk of prostate cancer. Women who are or may be pregnant need to avoid touching crushed or broken tablets.

There are cases of deaths due to adverse effects of drugs taken without any prescription from the doctor and we would like our readers to be informed of the possible outcome when you continue taking medications which you have little knowledge of. Please review your options cautiously and consult your doctor when side effects occur.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Supplements for Athletes

Physical fitness and good health is very important for athlete. Each athlete has his own goals and body to take care of. There is a special training program and nutrition plan from which each supplement is being weighed and estimated, each food reviewed. Everyone has to have an edge of a healthier lifestyle than others.

The Peterson Group, an online community aiming for to create awareness on the real effects of alternative, complementary and integrative medicines, has athletes registered as members. We ask them what supplements they are taking and how sure they are on its effectiveness. We have gathered their answers and here are the results of the survey:

Caffeine for Endurance
Caffeine has given an edge to tennis players, cyclists, soccer players, runners, rowers, and others in scientific studies. In some trials, the stimulant boosted athletes’ speed. In others, it helped them last longer before they spent all their energy. Some studies show that caffeine can curb soreness after exercise, too. This kind of nutrient cannot only be found in coffee. You can take in caffeine through energy drinks and shots, tablets, chewing gum, sport gels and sprays. A little warning from our athlete friends though, each individual has special caffeine needs so you must first read the label before taking it.

Experts consider creatine safe for healthy people, such as athletes. Some people take a higher dose for the first week -- about four servings of 5 grams each per day -- to “load” their muscles with the supplement. Then they drop to a “maintenance” dose of about 2 grams per day.
Beta-Alanine for Burning Muscles
Athletes take beta-alanine in a capsule or a drink powder to curb that burn so they can push through the exercise. A cyclist states that he take beta-alanine for 4 weeks which is backed up by some studies conducted in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Ergogenic Drugs
Ergogenic drugs are substances that are used to enhance athletic performance. These drugs include illicit substances as well as compounds that are marketed as nutritional supplements. Many such drugs have been used widely by professional and elite athletes for several decades. In recent years, research indicates that younger athletes are increasingly experimenting with these drugs to improve both appearance and athletic abilities.

In the United States, they have released the Athlete Guide to the 2015 Prohibited List just recently. The list is intended to provide practical guide on the detailed information regarding how prohibited drugs can affect an athlete.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

CAM Review: 5-HTP

With a lot of CAM and Integrative Medicines lurking in the market today, you just might not know you are already purchasing one. But because of the desire for illness to get cured, trials are made to those medicines which are said to heal even without scientific bases. From this, labs and medical practitioners identify medicines even without doing a clinical testing but mainly on observations of what a certain herb or supplement can do to a person.

The Peterson Group, an online community with an aim to identify the real effects of Contemporary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) and Integrative medicines to be able to determine its importance to the society. One supplement that was to our attention is 5-hydroxytriptan, better known as 5-HTP which is being used by some people in an effort to support their mental health and immune system.

5-HTP has been used for a variety of conditions including anxiety, various sleep disorders, hyperactivity disorders, cerebellar ataxia, depression, primary fibromyalgia syndrome, and migraines. This type of CAM is mostly used in developing cities like Jakarta, Indonesia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and Bangkok, Thailand.

However, medicinal use of 5-HTP has not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and much of the information available regarding 5-HTP's use is anecdotal and not supported by research. FDA fears that the supplement is one of the products manufactured by fraudulent importers who take advantage of the mainstream demand of the product and its price.

It's also important to note that not all of the research available on 5-HTP includes studies done in humans, and more research is needed to determine if 5-HTP is a safe or effective supplement. Although FDA and the authorities have not done any arrest on the illegal exchange of 5-HTP, they never lack warning individuals on the possibility of scam.

For what it’s worth, 5-HTP is said to have the following effects:

• 5-HTP and Weight Loss - Some studies show that 5-HTP appears to help support weight loss by causing a decrease in appetite.

• 5-HTP and Anxiety - Given the fact that 5-HTP is a building block or precursor to the mood-enhancing chemical serotonin, scientists have explored the potential benefit of 5-HTP in lowering anxiety.

• 5-HTP and Depression - Because of serotonin's known benefit in treating depression, 5-HTP is thought to possibly play a beneficial role in alleviating the symptoms of depression.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Human Growth Hormones

In every continent and every nation, each culture has their own pride and their own insecurities. Americans may want to get some tan like many Asians. Being Asian, however, may have a lot of insecurities than any others. One of the most known complex of Asians especially those living in, let’s say, Cambodia, the Philippines or Indonesia is height.

The average height of a typical South East Asian male is 163 cm. Asian people that stand 175cm. and above are mostly from South Asia where records of tallest men and women are reported to come from. Because of this, many Asians are tagged as “midgets” or “little people” which, of course, can hurt anyone’s pride.

According to a study of The Peterson Group, an online community which has an aim to bring awareness to the real effects of Complementary, Alternative and Integrative Medicines, a supplement has been discovered to increase the usual growth of an individual.

Products which are said to contain Human Growth Hormone (HGH) have been patronized by those who are not that blessed when it comes to height. However, experts say that hope is unfounded. And worse, these products can be harmful as most are products of fraudulent acts without any aim to help you grow but to make money out of the great desire to be taller than what is supposed to. A teenager in Jakarta, Indonesia was even reported to be hospitalized and it was later found out that he has taken height increasing supplements which is believed to contain HGH, only, it was a scam.

HGH, produced by the pituitary gland, spurs growth in children and adolescents. It also helps to regulate body composition, body fluids, muscle and bone growth, sugar and fat metabolism, and possibly heart function. Produced synthetically, HGH is the active ingredient in a number of prescription drugs and in other products available widely over the Internet.

HGH Uses and Abuses

In a review, synthetic human growth hormone was developed in 1985 and approved by the FDA for specific uses in children and adults. In children, HGH injections are approved for treating short stature of unknown cause as well as poor growth due to a number of medical causes, including:

• Turner's syndrome, a genetic disorder that affects a girl's development
• Prader-Willi syndrome, an uncommon genetic disorder causing poor muscle tone, low levels of sex hormones, and a constant feeling of hunger
• Chronic kidney insufficiency
• HGH deficiency or insufficiency
• Children born small for gestational age

In adults, approved uses of HGH include:

• Short bowel syndrome, a condition in which nutrients are not properly absorbed due to severe intestinal disease or the surgical removal of a large portion of the small intestine
• HGH deficiency due to rare pituitary tumors or their treatment
• Muscle-wasting disease associated with HIV/AIDS

But the most common uses for HGH are not FDA-approved. Some people use the hormone, along with other performance-enhancing drugs such as anabolic steroids in an attempt to build muscle and improve athletic performance. Yet HGH's effect on athletic performance is unknown.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Supplements for Weight Loss

There are more than thousands of supplements emerging in the market today. And there are a lot of people depending on supplements for their daily wellness. Despite government’s warnings on the possible effects of using supplements and other complementary, alternative and integrative medicines, the greater public has tried different CAM especially for existing problems of weight loss.

There isn't a lot of science backing up the claims, and some have health risks. A doctor’s prescription is best to rely on before taking any medications or herbs. Also, Food and Drug Authority (FDA) has cracked down on some weight loss supplements that had prescription drugs in them that weren't noted on the label. You can't always tell what you're getting.

The FDA does regulate dietary supplements, but it treats them like foods rather than medications. Unlike drug manufacturers, the makers of supplements don’t have to show their products are safe or effective before selling them on the market.

The Peterson Group, a non-profit organization bringing awareness on the effects of non-scientific based and herbal medicines which are being patronized by a lot of people from all over the world, has found some common ingredients found in over-the-counter supplements and remedies for weight loss.

1. Chitosan
This is a sugar that comes from the hard outer layers of lobsters, crabs, and shrimp. It’s said to block the absorption of fats and cholesterol.

The reviews on whether it works for weight loss are mixed. Doses from 1 to 5 grams have been studied.

The Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database says there is “insufficient reliable evidence to rate” chitosan for weight loss. Some studies show it may help, and others show it doesn’t. And many of the studies aren’t very good. Still, cities like Jakarta, Indonesia, Taipei, Taiwan and Singapore are continuously promoting the use of chitosan with their drugs and food.

2. Chromium Picolinate
Chromium is a mineral that enhances the action of insulin, a hormone critical to metabolism. Your body also needs it to store carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.

There are claims that chromium supplements can:
• lower appetite
• help burn more calories
• cut body fat
• boost muscle mass

But one review of 24 studies examining the effects of 200 to 1,000 micrograms (mcg) of chromium a day found no significant benefits. The Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database says that chromium is "possibly ineffective" for weight loss.

Rarely, chromium supplements can cause side effects such as:
• insomnia 
• irritability 
• headache

Also, at least three people have developed kidney and liver damage when taking chromium. People with either kidney or liver problems should not take it.

3. Beta Glucan
A concentrated soluble fiber derived from yeasts, mushrooms, and algae, beta-glucans come in many forms but all have the effect of lowering cholesterol with the additional benefits of weight loss and helping control diabetes.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

CAM also dominates Cancer Fight

The treatment for cancer has been developed ever since its discovery. Thousands of victims have lost their lives because of the lack of solution despite billions of dollars invested for the elimination of this killer illness. In frustration, many people with cancer and families of these victims result to anything that can help them including complementary and alternative treatments. If cancer makes you feel as if you have little control over your health, alternative cancer treatments may offer some feeling of control. But many alternative cancer treatments are unproved and some may even be dangerous.

To help you sort out the real treatments from scam CAMS, The Peterson Group, a non-profit organization with an aim to deliver awareness on the real effects of CAM, prepared these alternative cancer treatments that are experts on the field claim. There is also a growing evidence that these treatments may provide some benefits:

1.       Acupuncture
Reviews show acupuncture may be helpful in relieving nausea caused by chemotherapy. Acupuncture may also help relieve certain types of pain in people with cancer. This process is widespread not only in China where it originated but to its neighboring countries as well from the Buddhist country of Thailand, Islam country of Indonesia where reports show increasing practice in Jakarta to the liberal states in United States.

2.       Aromatherapy
People with cancer that is estrogen sensitive, such as some breast cancers, should avoid applying large amounts of lavender oil and tea tree oil to the skin.

3.       Exercise
Exercise may help you manage signs and symptoms during and after cancer treatment. Gentle exercise may help relieve fatigue and stress and help you sleep better. Many studies now show that an exercise program may help people with cancer live longer and improve their overall quality of life.

4.       Hypnosis
Hypnosis may be helpful for people with cancer who are experiencing anxiety, pain and stress. It may also help prevent anticipatory nausea and vomiting that can occur if chemotherapy has made you sick in the past. When performed by a certified therapist, hypnosis is safe. But tell your therapist if you have a history of mental illness.

5.       Massage
Massage can be safe if you work with a knowledgeable massage therapist. Many cancer centers have massage therapists on staff, or your doctor can refer you to a massage therapist who regularly works with people who have cancer.